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Why did XCT choose Xeco Energy’s Current Balance Technology to Globally Commercialize 



Xeco Energy’s proprietary ‘Current-Balancing’ technology addresses the inefficiencies caused by harmonics in electrical systems, particularly in inductive loads like motors, pumps, and drives. By focusing on harmonics outside the standard 60 Hz frequency, this technology enhances power quality and reduces energy consumption. 


Key Features of Xeco’s Current-Balancing Technology: 

  1. Electrical Noise Reduction: The system mitigates electrical noise, which is often a byproduct of harmonic distortions, leading to cleaner power delivery.   

  2. Power Factor Optimization: By balancing current across phases, the technology improves the power factor, ensuring more efficient use of electrical power.   

  3. Frequency Tuning: It tunes the system to the fundamental frequency, minimizing the impact of unwanted harmonics and enhancing overall system stability.   

  4. Voltage Regulation: The technology maintains consistent voltage levels, preventing fluctuations that can lead to equipment stress and energy losses.  


Benefits of Implementing Xeco’s Technology: 

  • Reduced Energy Consumption: By addressing harmonic-induced inefficiencies, the system lowers the electricity required by existing inductive loads.    

  • Enhanced System Capacity: Balancing current effectively increases the capacity of the existing electrical infrastructure without the need for significant upgrades.   

  • Mitigation of Harmful Electromagnetic Fields (EMF): Reducing electrical noise decreases harmful EMF effects throughout the electrical system.  


By focusing on current balancing and harmonic mitigation, Xeco Energy’s technology offers a comprehensive solution to improve power quality, enhance equipment longevity, and achieve significant energy savings in commercial and industrial settings. 


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